Thursday, January 21, 2010

Glimpses of the birthday boy....

Sam is one! He seemed to enjoy his celebration, didn't like cake (gagged once on the bite he took) and enjoyed his balloons, family and his gifts. We had dinner (baked potato soup, salad and rolls), opened gifts and enjoyed cake. Samuel means God heard and we are so grateful that he blessed us with our sweet Samuel Ace. He is greatly loved and a treasure.


  1. What a cutie pie he is! Love the birthday bib too!

  2. He is just so adorable! He has the cutest smile! I can see why you are a proud Mama! Happy birthday little guy!

  3. Great pictures from such a special time. He looks so big in the pic where he is standing up. He is going to be a big boy! Love that little fellow! Grandma Connie
