Wednesday, May 19, 2010


It has been a while since I have done a family update. I will try to keep it short and sweet.

Trae-Loving his new Ipad that he received from his CEO on our recent trip. I am a Mac girl and this Ipad might convert him! Loved being near the ocean again. Soaking up every bit of raising boys and enjoying the mens groups he is apart of. Our church just had their mens conference and he loved it and was really blessed, encouraged and challenged. Going to Vegas soon for the big retail conference and we will miss him something horrible!

Julie-So excited summer is here! Looking forward to a change of pace, more time at home and less structure. Trae and I have been taking a parenting course that started this spring and will carry us into fall so that is a big commitment but something that is perfect timing. Has 101 projects to try and complete this summer. I am a person who seeks order and organization and this spring has been busier than normal so that is when for me the details get tossed aside and it shows. I had the most amazing celebrations of my birthday. Turning 40 was a dear time and something I won't soon forget. The Lord loved on me in a beautiful way, those close to me celebrated me and I was blessed!

Andrew-Finishing up his Jr. year and has decided to return to his Christian school this fall. He left for about 8 months but is feeling the right thing is for him to return. Go God and so proud of my first born. He is still working at Best Buy and really looking forward to summer. He is loving photography and has invested in some amazing equipment. He has a good eye and his knowledge has surpassed ours about photography. It is really exciting to see and being that Trae and I share a HUGE love of photography this is a special treat for us. He recently joined a gym and is loving working out. He is getting really strong and a bigger build.

Jacob-Kind of sad about summer and is going to miss out on some of his school friends. He has loved homeschooling this year while attending a PT homeschool partnership. He has grown greatly in his love and skill of skateboarding. He is most excited about recent NRH20 passes that we purchased for this summer. He is all about being outside and staying busy. He leaves for his week at Pine Cove at the end of this month. Pine Cove is a Christian camp in Tyler, Texas that is one of Jacobs favorite places to be. He loves being a big brother and he and Sam jam out often in his room listening to music and playing basketball.

Sam-Sam is 16 months old! He is a busy toddler that enjoying discovering things daily. He loves basketball, books, being outside, swinging and recently enjoyed his first trip to the pool. He is very observant and in tune with his surroundings and seeks connection with those around him. He has always been a people person. His favorite word is amen! He said it dozens of times a day. The other day he wanted his milk and he said, "meeelllk.....amen!" It is the sweetest thing ever! His favorite foods are applesauce, sweet potatoes, bananas, avocado, chicken, crackers, whole grain bread and veggie chips.

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