Friday, May 28, 2010

My middle guy.....

Jacob is such an amazing young man. He brings much delight, interesting conversation and laughter to our home. He is almost 13, his voice is changing and he is growing like a weed! He is already in a size 9 mens shoe. He leaves for a week at camp in a few days and he is so excited. He asked today did I have things ready for camp. I told him no I have everything purchased but not packed and that I would be doing it all soon. He said what I wondered about was do you have the letters written that you pack for me. I asked Jacob if he was sure he wanted those this year and he reassured me that they meant a lot to him. He is a growing young man but often shows me how much he still loves those connections with home. He makes my heart smile.


  1. You never get too old for the letters. I went to a woman's retreat once and my oldest son organized a letter campaign and had all my kids write me a letter and I didn't get them till the last day. I cried coz they were so touching. I always sent letters to my kids at their retreats or camps and they looked so foward to them and said it was the best part of their trip so I started writing to them at least once a month- they never knew when they'd get their letter. I need to start doing this again with each of my kids, daughters(in love) grandkids - I bet Mason would love to get a letter like that in the mail so I'm going to write his first - thanks for the inspiration. I wrote one to my mom and dad years ago and they said it was the best gift they EVER got - glad I did it since he's gone now

  2. Okay, those are the most amazing pictures of you and Jacob. Awesome ... love those faces! :)
