Friday, March 12, 2010

Family updates

Just a mini update on our family and what each of us are up to this season.

Trae-Hoping to finally put an end to our muddy walkway on the side of the house and wants to put stones down to have a walkway. That will be a project that he will love having done and hopes for some beautiful weekends to accomplish it. Working hard at work and blessed us by winning a trip for us this spring! We both turn 40 this year and it was our hope to go on a trip and the Lord provided in a big way! Going to 2 mens group each week and really values that. One is a small group and the other is a group of praying men at 5:30 AM. I am a blessed woman to have a praying husband.

Julie-For the first time in many years I have been buying some new clothes! It has actually been fun and I have enjoyed the hunt! Clothes are just not my thing and I am good with that but it was time to update a bit. You will still see me in my denim skirt (sometimes!) because that is just me and at nearly 40 I am good with being me!!! I am very blessed by my Titus 2 group and grateful for close relationships in my life. Loving being a wife, mama and taking care of my family. I hosted a weekend scrapbook retreat for some close friends and that was a wonderful girls time away! Trae and Sam did great without me and updated me via email on how things were going.

Andrew-Andrew is coming close at finishing up his Jr. year. He works at Best Buy and was promoted to the computer dept. Those of you who know him are not shocked by that as he is very good at computers and loves it! He is enjoying friendships and what free time he has outside of work and school. He has his colleges narrowed down to where he would like to go and we are hoping to make some visits to those this spring. He did really well on his PSAT and will take his SAT very soon. He is also hoping to go out to his uncles house this summer in LA again. He also found out recently that his dad and his wife will be having a baby and that he will have a baby sister later this summer. Andrew has wanted a baby sister since he was 3 or 4 years old.

Jacob-His passion right now is skateboarding! Actually he has a board called a pump rocker but I am not exactly sure what that means. It has 3 wheels and he LOVES it!!! It keeps him outside, moving and having fun. He is still homeschooling and goes to a school PT 3 mornings a week. He loves the PE class we do each week too and has already asked that we continue it until they tell him he is too old. :) Jacob loves the color black and for the first time enjoys picking out his clothes and has a sense of style and what look he is after. It is fun to watch. He is already talking about Pine Cove this summer and can't wait!

Sam-He had 3-4 weeks of sickness but PTL he is doing well now!!! It was a rough month but our boy is recovered and busy again. He has basically learned the DVD player too. He is loving building with blocks, pushing anything around the house and being outside. He loves to go on walks and go to the swings at the park. He is eating solids well and we are so grateful! He is finally off moms milk and onto organic cows milk. Not a easy transition but we made it 13 months of the good stuff!! We are really enjoying seeing his personality. He is a very happy baby, busy but can be still and enjoys connecting. He loves to cuddle and loves to be held.


  1. The boys are growing up so fast and so many changes in their lives. How wonderful to have little Samuel who has many years of growing and learning from each of you. It's a blessing for each to find the joy in the journey each year they grow. Love, Mom/Grandma

  2. So glad to reconnect and catch the update on your family.

    Blessing to you all,
